Giving S&P Brokers & Vessel Owners the data they need for Financing & Refinancing

IMRRA supports S&P Brokers with vessel data information for equity injections, new finance and debt restructuring prior to a vessel sale. Find out how!

IMRRA's S&P Brokers Vessel Risk Ratings

IMRRA Supports S&P Brokers Vessel Financing & Refinancing Requirements.

IMRRA's vessel Risk Rating Report supports S&P brokers in their interactions with primary sourced vessel business intelligence. IMRRA's vessel risk rating report ‘closes the information circle’ to bring together ship owners, managers, banks and investors with decision ready data.

Accurate safety risk ratings for asset values assist in the delivery of equity injections, new finance and feasibility debt restructuring prior to a vessel sale.

IMRRA working directly with S&P Brokers’ Clients

S&P Brokers are given the option to inform their clients prior to IMRRA's information requests.* This pre-notification of the information request allows the vessel owner to dedicate the appropriate resources to collate the information required. Typically this information includes:

  • Crew experience update
  • Q88 vessel documentation
  • Current P&I Club
  • Flag State information
  • Class Status Survey Report
  • Last Internal ISM Audit (Date)
  • Last Superintendent visit (Date)
  • Safe manning certificate

* IMRRA returns the risk rating report to the S&P broker within 8-hours of request.

Low Scoring IMRRA Vessel Risk Rating Report = Improved Financial Options

In the best case scenario, the vessel data supplied by the client enables an improved vessel risk rating report, and the subsequent financial package offered by the bank. The classic win-win situation for all involved. An accurate vessel risk rating report allows all stake holders the ability to act when the investment opportunity presents itself.

IMRRA maritime assists S&P Brokers businesses in the Present Covid-19 environment

  • No physical inspections required for desk-based vessel operational safety risk rating reports – preventing crew infection risks, keeping the crew safe and reducing people on board.
  • Impartial and independent KPI benchmarked reports from 20,000 risk rating reports per annum since 2013.
  • Your very latest vessel business intelligence within 8-hours of request.